Sundahl Congregation

Aneta ELCA Congregations

Ottawa Congregation

9:00 Worship - Ottawa

10:15 Fellowship - both locations

11:00 Worship - Sundahl

11:00 Service is streamed on our

Facebook page.

Penny Millspaugh, Teem candidate for Ministry

I invite you to join us!

Welcome to you from Aneta, North Dakota. I know what it is like to be the new person in town. I myself just arrived not all that long ago. So I can tell you from experience that the people in Aneta are warm and compassionate people, filled with faith and joy! We would love to have you join us on Sunday.

We also have several fellowship opportunities that are open to all in the community - not just our church members. So if you are looking for a Bible study, or a quilting group, or a choir, or a children's program, we hope you will check us out!

Church Calendar

9:00 - 5:00 or as needed

Would you like a copy of our current Newsletter? We would be happy to send one by mail or email.

Just let us know below!

Sermon Feedback/Feedforward

5:00 Sundays

Scan here or use this link:

This new schedule will begin in May. If you stop by and I am not here, call my cell. I may be in the building, or I might have gotten called out for a visit.

Sundahl and Ottawa Lutheran Churches members of the Eastern North Dakota Synod

Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA)